Title: Leading the Way
Author: Prashant Handoo
Publisher: Penman Books
Genre: Self Help, Leadership, Business
First Publication: 2020
Language: English
Book Summary: Leading the Way by Prashant Handoo![LEADING THE WAY BY PRASHANT HANDOO]()
Leading the Way by Prashant Handoo is an insightful peek into the author’s personal journey and his experiences in the domain of leadership and decision-making. An engaging and inspiring read, the narrative is interspersed with significant pointers and motivational lessons for aspiring leaders as well as existent ones looking to grow and inspire one’s team.
Over the years, the author has worked in multiple roles in various organizations and observed different leaders with different styles of leadership. He describes leadership as a life skill that plays a key role in building and nurturing the culture of an organization. As the narrative progresses, the author explores certain key questions: Who do we need to become to inspire our team to work with the highest levels of commitment? With so many employees joining organizations each day, what makes a handful capable of growing, leading themselves, and their team effectively?
Each chapter in the book has something to offer in terms of one as a person, one’s behaviour, thoughts, and actions. An unputdownable read, the book evokes a powerful call to action, starting with the importance of reflection. Most importantly, it calls one to become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily.
Book Review: Leading the Way by Prashant Handoo
Have you ever wondered what separates the best of the best? Is it just more talent, more hard work or is there something else? Leading the Way by Prashant Handoo offers great insight into what might be the defining factor of extreme performance. The lessons in this book teach a person how to develop a strategy, how to build a team, the importance of being disciplined, and the importance of managing expectations.
The book will give you a very different outlook to vulnerability and a new understanding of what it means to engage with our vulnerability, understand how shame and shaming others affects us, how to combat shame, and being vulnerable for the sake of making real connections with people.
You are far less in control of your life than you think,
You are far more in control of your life than you can think.
Leading The Way is such a great, informative book filled with research, inspiring quotes and author’s own personal stories to connect it all together. Prashant Handoo has an amazing ability to help you unlock your abilities and inspire you to better use your brain. I was mesmerised with how he inspires readers and provides really actionable tactics through his book to help anyone improve their life.
Leading The Way is a very easy read and helps the reader understand the limitless model which encompasses mindset, motivation and methods. It sets the scene outlining what the issues are and then very clearly makes a statement that this can all be fixed. Author Prashant Handoo provides practical information to improve the way you think of yourself and learn. What resonated with me is how open the author is about his own struggles he had during his youth and how these techniques helped him. I found it motivating and a clear demonstration that anything can be done once you control your mind.
The best way to know your growth as a leader is by looking at the growth of your people – where are they now compared to where they were before being led by you is a direct representation of your leadership capability.
It’s true that some people are born leaders and others don’t have that natural talent. But it’s false to believe that people can’t develop the habits of highly effective leaders. With a thorough understanding of the six C leadership and a little practice mentioned in this book, anyone can learn what it takes to be a leader worth trusting. The SixC leadership values are: Calmness, Courage, Clarity, Congruence, Compassion, Celebration.
Growing our minds and expanding our view of the world is of the utmost importance and with Prashant Handoo’s techniques we can all embrace the power within ourselves and become better. Whether you are in a position of leadership, working your way towards one, or want nothing to do with being a leader – this book is great to understand what a leader must do and what qualities to possess.