Title: The Shiva Sutras
Author: Ranjit Chaudhri
Publisher: FingerPrint Publishing
Genre: Spirituality
First Publication:Â 2019
Language:Â English
Book Summary: The Shiva Sutras
As the legend has it, Lord Shiva appeared to Sage Vasugupta in a dream and instructed him to go to a particular stone near a stream. When Sage Vasugupta went there the next day, the Stone turned over at his touch, and on its face were inscribed the Shiva Sutras. These sutras were to be revealed to those fit for grace as per Lord Shiva instructions.
Explaining our true nature and the illusion we’re living in, this book guides us as to how we can set aside the illusion and experience ultimate reality. The sutras with their transformative message have the power to end our suffering and open up a whole new world for us.
Book Review: The Shiva Sutras
This book and the interpretation of the sutras is beyond one’s perceptive ability. It is wonderful but sadly most of the world is unaware of it. It has one positive thing though…people have not been able to corrupt and modify these ancient teachings. I can only ask you to meditate upon the sutras and see what change and energy you feel. Although not much publicized it is one of the crown jewels of Hinduism and Shaivism.
This book by Ranjit Chaudhri is a good starting point to whoever wants to read and understand the Shiva sutras. It surely makes you see things differently. For eg. when you worship God you usually visualise the form of the Lord but you don’t know the meaning of his various Aabhushans. The symbolic representation of each of these is explained beautifully. All the Sutras are divided into 3 sections: Removing the Veil, Detaching from the Body, and Awakening.
Author Ranjit Chaudhri makes you see why and how you need to see life in its fullest. The various examples he gives to explain a point is what makes the discourse more memorable. There are many genuine gems of spiritual wisdom in here. And that’s one of the major reasons I’d recommend this book to everyone.