Title: The Unhoneymooners
Author: Christina Lauren
Publisher: Gallery Books
Genre: Contemporary romance, Chick Lit
First Publication: 2019
Language: English
Major Characters: Olive Torres, Ethan Thomas, Amy Torres
Setting Place: Minnesota (United States); Maui, Hawaii
Book Summary: The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
Olive Torres is used to being the unlucky twin: from inexplicable mishaps to a recent layoff, her life seems to be almost comically jinxed. By contrast, her sister Ami is an eternal champion . . . she even managed to finance her entire wedding by winning a slew of contests. Unfortunately for Olive, the only thing worse than constant bad luck is having to spend the wedding day with the best man (and her nemesis), Ethan Thomas.
Olive braces herself for wedding hell, determined to put on a brave face, but when the entire wedding party gets food poisoning, the only people who aren’t affected are Olive and Ethan. Suddenly there’s a free honeymoon up for grabs, and Olive will be damned if Ethan gets to enjoy paradise solo.
Agreeing to a temporary truce, the pair head for Maui. After all, ten days of bliss is worth having to assume the role of loving newlyweds, right? But the weird thing is . . . Olive doesn’t mind playing pretend. In fact, the more she pretends to be the luckiest woman alive, the more it feels like she might be.
Book Review: The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
Olive and her sister Ami are identical twins who couldn’t be more different! Where Ami is confident, Olive is most comfortable under the radar. Where Ami is sleek and thin, Olive is a ‘curvy girl” Where good luck always seems to sway Ami’s way – well, you get the picture. Olive’s twin sister, Amy, is getting married and everyone but Olive and her soon to be brother in law Ethan (the groom’s brother) get violently ill after eating the buffet.
Amy is incredible at winning giveaways and one of the best she has ever won is their honeymoon in Hawaii. After everyone gets sick Amy insists that Olive take her place on the trip while Ethan is equally getting pressured to take Dane’s place.
They decide that a trip to what sounds like paradise, especially during the Minnesota winter, is enough to force them to take the trip. They will, of course, have to pretend to be married, as this was a honeymoon giveaway with strict rules. Starting as soon as they arrive in their suite Olive is very confrontational with Ethan
I am a homebody, through and through, and there’s nothing like being home.
If you’re looking for a cute, funny, heart-felt read this summer then The Unhoneymooners is definitely worth adding to your TBR’s. It will have you laughing out loud while sitting on the beach, at the pool, or let’s face it, inside in the AC all day.
The characters in Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren, Olive Torres and her equally fascinating twin sister, Ami are crafted interesting and often quirky. Olive and Ethan’s duplicity in having to pose as the newlyweds created some sticky moments while in Hawaii that served up some funny and often awkward situations, too. All of this created a foundation for these two to bond and explore each other in ways they wouldn’t and couldn’t have at home.
The romance kind of sneaks up on you, which made that even better when it finally develops. Lest you think this is all laughs and frolics, the story does take a serious turn when they return home and face some unforeseen consequences and issues that test them individually and as a couple.
The writing is witty and engaging, with clever banter and laugh-out-loud moments. The characters are well-developed and relatable, with Olive’s insecurities and Ethan’s vulnerability making them both endearing and realistic. The tropical setting adds an extra layer of charm to the story, making readers feel like they are on their own mini vacation.
Overall, “The Unhoneymooners” is a must-read for fans of romantic comedies. It has all the elements of a great beach read, including humor, romance, and a picturesque setting. It’s a perfect escape from reality that will leave readers feeling happy and satisfied.